Admission and Medical Forms


It is always appreciated when all forms are completed as fully and clearly as possible. Unless the student is in hospital we require the Medical Verification Form to be filled out by the medical practitioner/specialist treating the student.

A word version and pdf version of the admission form and the medical form are available to download and fill in.

Attachments may include

  • school report or assessments, if available
  • other supporting documents

Forms can be emailed to, faxed or posted to us.

Applications can also be done online.

Please read before you proceed.

  1. Click on the following link Online enrolments or the Online enrolments button below
  2. Please complete each section as fully as possible. If information is missing, we will not be able to process your enrolment.
  3. Please also upload the completed medical in the Student Medical Information section when you are applying online.
Online Enrolments

Medical Verification Form

This form must be completed by medical practitioner/specialist in support of applicant’s admission. It must state briefly the medical nature of applicant’s condition; possible type of study considered appropriate (eg full-time, part-time, school based, home based) plus any other restrictions or comments. Medical practitioner/specialist must specify the period for which the certificate is valid (maximum period is usually deemed to be 15 weeks and reviewed thereafter). This form is not necessary if your child is in hospital.

Privacy Statement regarding Covid-19

For those students informing us of the Covid-19 vaccination status please download and read the Privacy Statement.

Privacy Statement

Admission Form Download

Medical Form Download